Thursday, February 08, 2007

Everyone has a bullet with thier name on it - so wheres mine..

I feel so stupid. Theres no other way of putting it. Last night I did my first close. I know how to do the tills and the paperwork because I did them before. But somehow - and I don't know how. I buggered up completely. And disgustingly. And I can't figure it out. I spend most of last night rehashing it in my sleep and lost oodles of sleep over it. I've come to solve one dilemna but the other remains a total and complete mystery to me. I feel so inept and incompetant it isn't even funny and I have to go in and early today just so I can straighten it out, and then face my employer who is probably hating the fact that he promoted me now since I had to call him last nite twice.

Oh and thats the other thing, he said "Call me at any time if you need any help for anything" so I did and I got ab-so-fucking-lutely no help at all. Thanks Doug. It does me no good at all to have you feed numbers to me I need to know where they come from.

To top off this. I put a stop payment cheque for my account that I had made out to the dentist, got some info wrong, and they cashed it anyway so the dentist now has a double payment for my latest visit. Nice. So I'm out 73 dollars until they refund it.

-hangs head-

I'm jus bleh. I don't even want to go into work today its my first grand 10 hr shift. And I don't want to face them today. One them - and I think I mentioned them in an earlier post - will probably laugh at me and give me that 'i so knew you couldnt cut it look' ..What really pisses me off is that I can and I know I can but then how did I manage to fuck up so badly that my two of my tills are over by 50 dollars or more?

Anyone want to take my shift today?


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