Saturday, February 17, 2007

Damn I am good.

So apparently my reign of terror begins, I've been assistant manager at work for just about 3 weeks now and I'm already hated. Buah ha ha ha.

Ken got put in his place yesterday for his use of profanity with me. He was told that he had better learn to accept my authority or he'd find himself suspended from work which apparently I have the authority to do.

Our new girl that we trained to replace me when I took over for Kayla got put in her place yesterday because apparantly she thought my authority was above that of the owners/head management. She asked if she could leave early and after being told no by them she came to me. I in turn called up the Boss and checked in with him because I had heard that she had already been told no and I wanted to be sure this was accurate, and then proceeded to blast her out for trying to pit me against the my own employer. Dumb dumb dumb!

Two days off. Both are now talking about leaving. Do I care? Not really. I mean the one wouldnt last anywhere else and well, I guess I could say the same for the other. They just dont get it, if you prove yourself reliable to Barb and Doug (the owners and key managers of the restaurant) they can be very wonderful to work for. Infact when I'm not frusterated with Doug I love them both dearly. They're very lenient very flexible employers and they treat employees well. No one else would put up with these two the way Barb and Doug do but oh well. Not my problem.

Last night I ran into a few snags with my cash counting but it worked out to where it was pretty near to being even so I left it. Its just frusterating for me because of my attention to detail and the fact that I feel responsible for it when it doesnt balance out in the end. I count and recount and re-recount just to be sure it isn't an error in my math cuz lets face it, I'm no mathematition and no where even close to being an accountant and the idea of being responsible for someone elses money stresses me. Oh well I'll learn to leave it alone eventually.

So yeah I think thats it.



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