Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My life is a cartoon

and my dreams are the stuff books are made of..

Well sort of..I watched this cartoon - japanese anime style- with my dad and ryan the other night. And its kinna skeery how the theme or more specifically one character in the cartoon resembles moi.

The cartoon was "Howls Moving Castle" and I of course would have to be the young 18 year old Sophie. Except that I'm not 18. With the acception that I am neither 18 nor all that young. LOL.

Anyway, the character is young female whose accepted the fact that shes not going to find herself happily married and devotes herself to job when she meets howl. Now accept for the fact that I will probably not ever find myself swept off my feet by dashing young wizard of questionable repution .. Thats pretty much me in a nutshell, well accept that her excuse is her age - which I find funny because seriously, 18? bah try being 26! No, instead its my lack of a social life which is at fault here. Somewhere between working as much as I do and having to devote my free time to my son Ryan, I don't have time for romance.

Its just strange finding such...erm..how to put it..familiarity in a cartoon..I don't know its like reading a true life story that finds some form kinship or truth in your own life or something..I forget the phrase that was used to describe it..

Its also confirmed for me the fact that maybe Dad's right and I should write books. Seriously. I think what did it is it bears a striking resemblance to a dream i had no too long ago, i believe i posted it here and it was a little strange.

The reason I say my dad thinks I should write books is because I keep having these really exceptionally strange dreams that would make a great plot for horror novel etc. I had one years back about a little boy in a hospice of some sort who was deathly ill and since he'd been in the hospice all his life he developed an imaginary freind. Unfortunately because of his lack of social interraction and inability to enjoy his youth he became bitter and as he did the imaginary friend developed a life of his own and started feeding off the boys anger and started killing off any other children who came around..thats exhibit A..now tell me does that not have Stephen King written all over it..

The dream I had happened to mention to him was one of my sister Tammy being pregnant but the baby had some form of health problem or something and the community she lived in had this twisted notion of spartanism where any child with defect was killed because they wanted to raise the children to take care of them and obviously a child who has any form of mental disability would not be able to do that..

There are other stranger ones I've had and to some extent I agree. I could write books off these accept my limitted ability to remember anything other than a basic description of these dreams and my inability to write anything resembling a decent subplot would interfere..

And now I have a dream and weeks later watch a cartoon which is almost identical to it, when I've never seen it before..

Strange..And yes for those of you asking.. I probably should up my medication..



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