Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Weekend Binges, Hang overs and other Random thoughts

So this weekend I went out and tied on a good one. Or rather as it ended up a bad one. I never want to be that sick again. I forgot how nasty rye was coming back up. I came in at 1am and I think was up until 1:30 am getting sick and balling my eyes out in the bathroom - sad. Very very sad.

But I think I've been bottling alot since the last year. I mean I tried to vent it hear but when I look back on it it just barely touches anything and I still have a hard time discussing it. If you don't know what 'it' is, then you havent been reading this enough heh.

So yeah, alot tired. And more than a little embarrassed.

Last night at work was sweet. Inspite of my discontent at the weathers need to thwart my happiness. Why is that every time I say "hey look the snow melting/completely gone/yay sunshine" it immediately becomes over cast and starts snowing? Dammit where is my sunshine!! Anyway, I managed to be out at 9:40 last night instead of my usual nearish 10pm and was completely happy to be home before 10:30.

The South beach thing and I are not working out very well, so umm... Yesh I guess its just me not eating fatty stuff. I cut potatoes out of my diet. I rarely eat pasta and I stick to whole/multigrain breads. I need more exercise though but the weather keeps on thwarting me!! -shakes fist- Happily I've managed to lose 5 lbs though WHEE!! I just need to stay away from my temptations at work.

And I think thats pretty much it.



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