Wednesday, February 28, 2007

another day another dollah

Tired. Tired is me. Why do kids insist on waking before the normal humane hours? I know 6:30 isn't too bad, I shouldn't complain cuz it could always be worse -knocks on wood- but still ..ugh..

Work is going smoothly, or rather last night did anyway. No annoying disciplinary problems. A small snag with the tills but nothing major. I just wish the kids would clean up their shyte when they're done.

I dunno who it was that felt the need to be an idiot on my cbox, but y0 step up and be a man at least! Or women. Either way if you dont have anything nice to say, don't say it. I didn't hold a gun to your head and say 'read my blog', no one is making you read so if you don't want to read, its very very simple DONT. If i'm truly as 'gay' as you so eagerly pointed out, then step off and go harasse someone else.

Fuck everyones gotta be an asshole.


Monday, February 26, 2007

long lengthy update - completely random

So anyway, i think its time I posted again.

Work has been doing well. I think Ken finally figured out that i mean business. Hes not as prone to disobience or just plain ingnorance as he usually is. This is good. Todays my day off, after 7 days straight of working, man I am tired!! thankfully I have four more days and then I can breathe for another two!!

I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I finally have the till counting down. They seem to be balancing out and at least when they dont I don't spaz so much now - this is good.

I have alot on my mind lately it seems. And while work is an adequate distraction I can't help but think of them at other times. Cheesy and vague. heh. No point in details since its out of my hands anyway I'm just going to have to live with it.

Hopefully, at least if this isn't another bs story from my sister I may have my own place come summer . YAY. I so need my own space, where I can cook clean and laze about at will, I get really tired of living with then parental units sometimes.

I've been attempting this dieting thing lately too. Just trying to round some some excess stuff from childbirth etc. I tell you, if you have high pain tolerance then go natural and avoid the c-section cuz eww. I think its working but I'm having issues with the first phase of it where I'm suppose to boycott all sorts of flour/pasta/sugar/rice/carbs. Nothing but vegetables, fish and poultry. The key issue here is the fish part it doesnt come into my house very often and its a bummer, well to some extent cuz I can only stomach certain types of fish. Working is hard on this diet because of all the fatty stuff I work around and salads are growing old fast.

A little random yes? Oh well. Prolly cuz I'm feeling a little random right now I guess. Wheres mai blanket? -skulks off to go find one!-


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

oops i did it again

Well, this week is speeding rather quickly by. Good thing too. Its gonna be a long one but its almost over thank heavens.

I managed to piss of our cook again. I asked him to do something and proceeded with his usual tendancy to ignore me, followed by doing the exact opposite of what I had asked him to do, which left me to do it myself. Can we say unimpressed.

I don't get it. I mean I do but I don't. Granted I'm half his age and a female and it probably really bothers him that hes been there longer and I'm now his boss. But still, I mean if you've been there forever as he has why the hell should I have to tell him his job? I shouldnt even have to ask him to have things done it should be done already and his complete disrespect for my auth-or-it-ee pisses me off!

I managed to fubar the tills again last night. Surprise surprise. I'm crossing everything and hoping tonite goes a little more smoothly.

I think thats it, I have more non-work related things to write on but I think I'll post it separately tomorrow sometime, or when I have more time to post.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Damn I am good.

So apparently my reign of terror begins, I've been assistant manager at work for just about 3 weeks now and I'm already hated. Buah ha ha ha.

Ken got put in his place yesterday for his use of profanity with me. He was told that he had better learn to accept my authority or he'd find himself suspended from work which apparently I have the authority to do.

Our new girl that we trained to replace me when I took over for Kayla got put in her place yesterday because apparantly she thought my authority was above that of the owners/head management. She asked if she could leave early and after being told no by them she came to me. I in turn called up the Boss and checked in with him because I had heard that she had already been told no and I wanted to be sure this was accurate, and then proceeded to blast her out for trying to pit me against the my own employer. Dumb dumb dumb!

Two days off. Both are now talking about leaving. Do I care? Not really. I mean the one wouldnt last anywhere else and well, I guess I could say the same for the other. They just dont get it, if you prove yourself reliable to Barb and Doug (the owners and key managers of the restaurant) they can be very wonderful to work for. Infact when I'm not frusterated with Doug I love them both dearly. They're very lenient very flexible employers and they treat employees well. No one else would put up with these two the way Barb and Doug do but oh well. Not my problem.

Last night I ran into a few snags with my cash counting but it worked out to where it was pretty near to being even so I left it. Its just frusterating for me because of my attention to detail and the fact that I feel responsible for it when it doesnt balance out in the end. I count and recount and re-recount just to be sure it isn't an error in my math cuz lets face it, I'm no mathematition and no where even close to being an accountant and the idea of being responsible for someone elses money stresses me. Oh well I'll learn to leave it alone eventually.

So yeah I think thats it.


Friday, February 16, 2007

I beat my record!

Woot. I finally managed to bring my close time down to just under my scheduled time there. I'm scheduled from 12-10:30 and I was out by 10:20 last night! YAY no cash problems, everything balanced out beautifully, I almost cried for joy it was so sweet to be home at 10:45 rather than 11pm lmfao.

Its sad I've only been up for an hour and now my days already off to a rough start. Ryan busted the lense on my digital. Hes lucky I'm not beating the snot out of him for it. Not that I'd ever actually do that but I've discovered a better form of punishment. The loss of Nintendo. This 3 y/o loves his nintendo like mad its all he wants to do all day long n now hes lost it indefinately, in the mean time I need to figure out how to fix it or figure out how i'ma afford to have it fixed.

**Addendum** We got the camera fixed but unfortunately something is still off because my retracting lense goes in and out and in and out when I turn it off. It should only be retracting once.

I'm so glad I'm off this weekend. Its been sweet I only had to work 3 days this week. Next week I'll suffer for it but I guess it'll be good for me too it'll put me in my managers groove n maybe my auth-or-it-ee will kick in. I'm such a pansy. I hate having to tell people what to do, I thought for sure this wouldnt be an issue for me but I guess it is heh. Ah well. I shall kick major ass.

Speaking of my authority at work, I've run into that problem again with a certain member of my staff. Hes been there forever and well hes got issues with me being management. Last night I asked him to get me some frites from the freezer on his way out the door and he threw a tantrum and was swearing and cursing and asking why I didnt have kurtis do it. Well, I'm sorry to have inconvenienced him for a whole two seconds but we were both busy there were orders to be made and neither one of us could leave the kitchen. So he can get over it because in all honesty his behaviour is not acceptable.

Doug is suppose to pull him aside today near the end of his shift and talk to him. We'll see how it goes. If his behaviour doesnt change I'm going to have to put my foot down with him, if hes going to behave like a child then hes going to be treated like one thats all there is too it.

I think thats the end of my rant for today.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

sometimes I hate people

So here I am work last night, and our heater isn't working. So in comes "Bill". Allow me introduce "Bill" to you. "Bill" is the owners son, previous assistant manager of Harveys and an all around asshole. There are some who would argue that last bit with me but well, in this case or rather in my case its pretty accurate.

"Bill" (for sake of of not slandering etc etc) has disliked me from the beginning because of my question employment history where I jumped jobs 3 times in the course of 3 months. He has picked and criticised me at work to the point where I had almost walked out on the place several times since starting there.

Last night he came in to check out the heating system for the dining room, which I had gotten working by the time he left. He put on this guise of being all friendly n shyte when he returned and talked and hung on the comper in the managers office before finally ridding myself of his presense. 10 min after he left I went and prepared to count tills and what do I find? Memorandum's on Assistant Manager responsibility!! x 2!! Okay, for starters I read this little summation of his while I was trained by the previous Assistant manager. Secondly, the emphasis on my tasks was a little irritating. Thirdly, the @#$% even went to the point of putting my name on one of them, as though I don't know my job. I KNOW MY JOB DAMMIT.

I was so pissed last night. He did that with Kayla too coming in and leaving her little notes on what she should and should not being doing yada yada. And I'm wtf? If you don't like how I do my job and you didnt like how she did it, then do it yourself BUT wait oh yeah thats right you quit working here because you don't like the restaurant thats right!! so why the hell don't you bugger off and leave the rest of us whom actually want to work here alone! And lets not mention the fact that 50% of the time you were on shift you hanging out on msn at work and only deemed to come out every 15 min to tell us minions what to do! -fumes-

I swear to god one of the happier days of my life was when this guy left. There was always so much tension in the restaurant when he started that it drove me absolutely insane and now hes doing it again and I want to scream at him!!

Other than that the shift went smoothly, I had a little trouble with the till balancing again but it was mostly okay. Just the last half of it that didnt want to add up correctly. I figure its my poor math somewhere. Oh well. Doug is checking into it tonite.

I think thats the last of my angsty whine.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

belated ramblings

so anyway i know i've been totally slacking here by not posting but i have a legit excuse - its called exhaustion!

the last three close shifts i did were skeery, well not terrifyingly so they were just long and i was out late and then working 2 10.5 hour shifts which left me wiped out..

thursday after my first initial run in with the evils of register counting i returned to work to find out things were actually alright, the boss figured it was just an error in counting from previous nights...then when i closed that night i was out later than i should have been. I should have been done at 10:30 at the latest but it was 11 when i finished and 11:30 by the time i got home and closer to 12 by the time i got to bed..

Friday night was a little smoother. I was only 15 minutes later getting out - and by that i mean the restaurant closes at 10.00 and I'm scheduled till 10:30 and it was 10:45 when I left an home by i dunno 11:15..

But when you follow three late nights by mornings of 9-4 its tiring really quickly.

So anyway I work the next 4 nights and then I have a long awaited weekend off. Which will be nice cuz really I'm tired and I have so much stuff to do around the house. And the last thing I think of is housework when I have to work that day, cuz like, I'm lazy and not afraid of admitting it.

I feel really gross lately too. After my dread run in with the flu I managed to snag myself some nasty headcold and now I'm congested as all hell and its yucky. I even lost my voice for 2 days last week. They say bad things come in threes, so wheres the last one? Or do I want to know lol.

Valentines day is approaching, and well, I know I'ma catch flack for it. But I've never enjoyed valentines day. Its like being excluded from the gift exchange at christmas. I think in my entire 26 years of life I've only celebrated it twice and that was it. But everytime it rolls around I'm either single or I'm with someone whose too far away for me to be able to really enjoy it. I've found the only way I can actually tolerate it is to treat Ryan cuz hes the man in my life. I don't think it should be excluded to romantically involved couples and in all honesty it probably wasn't intended that way but thats the way its done and when you're a relationship handicap like I am it gets a little depressing.

So yep theres my whine for the day, will try to update more often.

Ciao people.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Everyone has a bullet with thier name on it - so wheres mine..

I feel so stupid. Theres no other way of putting it. Last night I did my first close. I know how to do the tills and the paperwork because I did them before. But somehow - and I don't know how. I buggered up completely. And disgustingly. And I can't figure it out. I spend most of last night rehashing it in my sleep and lost oodles of sleep over it. I've come to solve one dilemna but the other remains a total and complete mystery to me. I feel so inept and incompetant it isn't even funny and I have to go in and early today just so I can straighten it out, and then face my employer who is probably hating the fact that he promoted me now since I had to call him last nite twice.

Oh and thats the other thing, he said "Call me at any time if you need any help for anything" so I did and I got ab-so-fucking-lutely no help at all. Thanks Doug. It does me no good at all to have you feed numbers to me I need to know where they come from.

To top off this. I put a stop payment cheque for my account that I had made out to the dentist, got some info wrong, and they cashed it anyway so the dentist now has a double payment for my latest visit. Nice. So I'm out 73 dollars until they refund it.

-hangs head-

I'm jus bleh. I don't even want to go into work today its my first grand 10 hr shift. And I don't want to face them today. One them - and I think I mentioned them in an earlier post - will probably laugh at me and give me that 'i so knew you couldnt cut it look' ..What really pisses me off is that I can and I know I can but then how did I manage to fuck up so badly that my two of my tills are over by 50 dollars or more?

Anyone want to take my shift today?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Grapes of Wrath

So yesterday I woke up sick with the flu. It wasnt too bad to start with. I felt a little queasy but rejoiced that I was able to keep food in the stomach, well that is until I got to work yesterday. Thats when the fun began. I got sick 5 times in the course of an 1 hr. Not good. So needless to say I ended up coming home and now I have to work on what was to be my day off. Oh well. I'm just happy its over with.

So tonite I go to work from 3-9 and tomorrow and friday I'll be doing 10 hr shifts. I'm so not looking forward to those. But saturday and Sunday bring shorter easier shifts.

I dreamt about Nic last night, as I do every once in a while. I guess it was the weak/fragile feeling in me that caused it. Its hard to explain. But when we were together and I was sick he took care of me and its been the first time I havent been able to experience that, I guess I just needed the security on some subconsious (sp) level.

Anywho I think thats about it.


Monday, February 05, 2007

the first round in the ring

So today went okay I guess. I mean I didnt really have any problems aside from:
a) I made the soup wrong, apparently the water is suppose to boil before you put it in
b) I killed the already dead chicken when I put it on the spits
c) turned on the rottisary (sp) 25 min later than I'm suppose to
d) spilled frier grease all over the floor..

BUT - I opened the safe. I successfully and correctly changed prices on the register. All my paper work was done for the day. I didn't burn anything and managed to learn something new. And I didnt do anything I couldn't fix after - I even cooked during a mini rush on the grill when our cook was on break..

Apparently some people have a problem with my au-thor-it-ee lol. I had to tell off our senior cook today because while everyone else was busting ass - myself included- he felt he was too good to lower himself to menial responsibility. And when I told him to do something all he did was either ignore me out right or just laugh or chuckle. And I was like 'wtf? get off your ass and do something!" I spoke to the owner about him tonite because this guy has been like that forever the only one he doesnt give that to is the owner and thats cuz the owner is too kind.

Tomorrow night I have to close. This means counting tills and struggles with the dreaded safe but I feel more confident in the fact that I managed to open it today. I think I can handle it now. It'll be interesting to see how our students respond to me. I really don't want to be the bitch but I do so loathe it when people have no respect or authority and such things.

When Kayla was manager I admit I was pissed that she got it, and it grated abit that I had to listen to someone who is 5/6 years my junior but I still listened and even learned to get along with her and now look I have her job lol . Ironic yes?

Ryan has spent his second night in his bed. Last night I tucked him, read him a book and gave him a kiss on the forehead. And then went to bed. But I explained a few things to him first. A) his room has a night light so it wont get too dark that he can't see. (b) mommy's room is just one room over (c) Nan was in the living room and (d) the kiss is magic so it keeps all things scary away. And then I reminded him about the treat he'd be getting if he slept in his bed.

Today I bought a rail for it so I wont have to lay awake dreading that he'll fall out. 1 hour and a half brings bedtime I'm curious to see how it'll go.

I think thats all for my ramblings.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

the new cop on the beat

Alright so that sounds a little cheesey, you'll have to forgive me. Tomorrow begins my new day of assistant manager-ish (yes I know it isn't proper english). I open up the store and start my day off with a battle with the safe. So not cool, this safe is dumb . D - U- M -B! It doesn't matter how many times I try or what I do it doesnt want to open for me. Fun fun!

I'm a little nervous that people (ie: the students and a guy we'll call bozo for now) are gonna give me attitude though too, and it grates - ALOT. I mean come on I've been there for 2 years now, I deserve this and more than that I -can- do it. I've been in charge before, I have what it takes and I learn quick like, so what gives. They're all gonna try to walk all over me I know it and I'ma lay the almighty smack down on their candy asses - to quote the rock - and then they're gonna hate me. Oh well, I just don't like tension but I suppose I should get myself aquainted with it.

Ryan spent his first night in his bed last night. I've been wanting to do this for sometime but for some reason I lose even more sleep when hes not there than I do when he is. But I'm more excited than he is I think about this. The real test is going to see if he'll do it tonite. I promised him that he keeps doing it, I'll treat him to McD's. He loves McD's. Yes I know its treason.

I've been fiddling around in some adobe and I think I've finally gotten the hang of CS2 which is great, because when I first got it I was kind of overwhelmed I guess. Its not a great deal different from PS 7 but its got alot more nifty-ness and today I did my first ava from scratch, no pre-made brushes/textures/styles - noffin but my creativity and me. And it came out pretty sweet too!! I'll have to get it hosted so I can post a link.

So I guess this year brings new challenges. I'm crossing my fingers on the financial side of things and hoping one find day someone will drop a million dollars in my lap to get my osap loan paid. In the meantime I guess I'll just have to tolerate it draining my pocket. I'm also working towards a skinnier bettah lookin me. A buddy of mine (thank you Donna) is sending me a dieters guide an I'm bust my little bum trying to get rid of the jiggle. Don't ask.

Hmm. Oh yes I did something today I shoulda done along time ago and reconnected with someone close to me. She got caught in the ugliness of my relationship handi-cap and got the shaft when I went into hiding. But I got her again and it was so nice talking to her again, I cut so many people out of my world when things got ugly a few years ago and I had to refrain from the online community and I really miss the closeness I had with a few of them - yes Courtney that means you too.

I suppose in the long run it was bound to happen though, I just sorta sped the process up. Life sucks. Work is hard. Days are long as we get older we dont have the time to devote to our virtual family I guess, but inspite of distances and the seemingly emptiness these machines seem to promote there are a few on this piece of scrap metal and glass that I come to love and could not, or rather would not ever want to have gone through my life without knowing, and I really hope you all know who you are. Most of you are closer to me than some of my rt friends.

Anyway, I'm getting sappy, the night is short and work layeth ahead of me tomorrow.

